UK COUNTRY: +44 (0)1425 462 549 | LONDON & INTERNATIONAL: +44 (0)203 598 6409 | AFRICA: +27 (0)21 300 8429
World Class Showcasing of Properties
The VIP International Property Marketing service ensures that our clients prime properties receive World Class showcasing to sophisticated property buyers around the world.
Having dealt with many of the world’s wealthiest property buyers since 2002, we quickly learnt how to get their attention and of the need to showcase prime properties comprehensively which we achieve through our VIP International Marketing service.
Examples of VIP's World Class Property Showcasing
Aerial Showcasing - click here to view the Video
Property Sales Brochure - click here to view the Video version
Comprehensive Property Sales Brochure - click here to download a low res PDF version
Marketing on the world’s largest international prime property websites - click here to view an international property marketing listing
In summary, Our VIP International Property Marketing service offers the very best way to fully showcase prime properties to sophisticated High Net Worth local & international property buyers and was designed based on our extensive experience in acting for some of the world’s wealthiest property buyers since 2002. This has taught us that poorly marketed properties rarely achieve much interest and almost never achieve a premium price.
Therefore our service focuses on comprehensively marketing the very finest properties to the world's most sophisticated property buyers - helping you sell to those elusive prime property buyers …....... and often at a premium price.
If you are committed to selling a prime property then our VIP International Property Marketing service will suit you.
Not convinced? - click here to view some of our previous sales & acquisitions

Lavenhof - one of Cape Town's largest home comprising 2,000m2 of accommodation on a 5 acre plot in a VIP security estate