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VIP International Homes operate exclusively at the very top end of the property market in the world's most sought after locations and our Property Buyers Search & Advisory Service helps property buyers to find their perfect property and acquire it on the very best terms for them.

The service is usually best suited to property buyers who experience or relate to any/all of the following:-

- have been unable to find the perfect property (perhaps after searching for a very long time)

- have lost out on their perfect property(s) to competing buyers


- would like a more proactive search service which also involves contacting off-market prime property owners

- would like access to Off-Market or Confidentially available properties

- would like an experienced agent on their side of the negotiating table

- would like to access our 'insider information' gleaned from operating at the top end of the prime property market for 20 + years

In a market where there may only ever be a few prime properties becoming available, our Property Buyers Search & Advisory Service might be the only way to identify and secure the type of property a committed prime property buyer is seeking within a reasonable time-frame.

Our service will help ensure the buyer finds and acquires the perfect property on the very best terms for the buyer.

If you are looking to acquire a prime International property please contact us to find out how we can assist.



Or find us on Facebook at:



Country Office: +44 (0)1425 462 549
London Office: +44 (0)203 598 6409


International Office: +44(0)203 598 6409


Cape Town Office: +27 (0)21 300 8429


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