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Many prime property owners (sellers) prefer that their properties are offered for sale on a discreet basis and only to the ‘Right Kind’ of property buyers. They would also prefer to be in control over which prospective property buyers get to know about the availability of their property.


Our service offers property sellers a unique opportunity to have their property discreetly offered for sale to the ‘Right Kind’ of qualified property buying clients with a minimum of intrusion and market awareness.

Property sellers : Using our Discreet Marketing service to your advantage

Our discreet marketing service is a great way to present your prime property to VIP property buyers with minimal market awareness and minimal intrusion into your personal life.

- Offering you the chance to sell if the right buyer comes along
(allowing you to test the market without your property being seen to be formally on the market. This means you may sell quietly and avoid the inevitable intrusion that goes hand in hand with full open marketing)

- Try an ambitious sales price or gauge the market’s appetite for your own price
(Discreet marketing reduces the risk of your property going stale due to overexposure at the wrong price. This enables you to try an ambitious figure to selected buyers for a limited period of time and you might get lucky – especially in a rising market)

- Strategically attract the right kind of Ultra High Net Worth Property Buyers
(Counter-intuitively, off-market properties are very attractive to buyers. Everyone wants something that others cannot access and this approach can stimulate interest in a property that a regular ad might not have attracted)

- Better Offers
(When buyers know the property has not yet formally hit the market, they know they will need to make an offer that ensures it does not!)

- Exclusively target ultra-High Net Buyers (multi-Millionaires & Billionaires via a unique partnership withSellToBillionaires™)

(We can exclusively target the most wealthy buyers so that any interest comes from those prospects that can afford your asking price!)

Our Discreet Marketing Service offers every prime property owner the option of extremely controlled procedures including pre-screening of all prospective property buyers, signed confidentiality agreements, discreet property tours (arranged at the owner’s discretion), and signed agreements to purchase prior to due diligence inspections.

This service offers an appealing alternative solution to owners of prime property who wish to discreetly sell with the minimum of intrusion to the ‘Right Kind’ of highly qualified buyers.

VIP International Homes can put your property in front of the right kind of committed buyers without compromising your privacy.

If you are looking to sell a prime International property please contact us to find out more about our unique range of International prime property marketing services.




Or find us on Facebook at:


Country Office: +44 (0)1425 462 549
London Office: +44 (0)203 598 6409


International Office: +44(0)203 598 6409


Cape Town Office: +27 (0)21 300 8429


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