UK COUNTRY: +44 (0)1425 462 549 | LONDON & INTERNATIONAL: +44 (0)203 598 6409 | AFRICA: +27 (0)21 300 8429
International Property Marketing
VIP International Homes exclusively market the top 5% - 10% (by value) of international prime properties to the world’s wealthiest buyers in the UK, Europe, USA, Middle East, China, India, Russia & Africa through a range of unique marketing services.
Our service ensures your property is professionally presented to some of the world’s most sophisticated & most wealthy property buyers, helping you sell to these high net worth buyers........and often at a premium price.
We exclusively focus on marketing the very finest residential real estate exclusively to the most likely prospect prime property buyers being Ultra High Net Worth International property buyers - mostly multi-Millionaires & Billionaires - with each proactive marketing campaign being individually tailored for each property selling client's property - quite simply to ensure the very best chance of selling the property at the best possible price and with a minimum of intrusion.
We will ensure your property is presented to the world's wealthiest citizens through the following unique range of marketing services:-
- Direct marketing of a bespoke marketing piece of your property to the homes of International Billionaires & multi-Millionaires
- Marketing on the world’s leading prime property focused portals which collectively receive over 350 million visitors per annum from over 80 countries including the UK, Europe, Russia, China, India, the Middle East, USA and Africa
- Via a unique partnership with SellToBillionaires™ - one of the world’s leading platforms for direct marketing to International Billionaires
- Email campaign to our in-house database of VIP International Ultra High Net Worth Clients, the majority of whom are Billionaires & multi-Millionaires from the UK, Europe, USA, China, Russia, India, Middle East and throughout Africa
- We can also undertake discreet marketing campaigns which limit awareness of client’s properties to the most likely prospect Billionaire & multi-Millionaire international buyers (usually by marketing direct to their own homes)
If you are interested to have your prime property proactively presented to some of the world's wealthiest prime property buyers, then our VIP International Property Marketing service is the service for you.